"Safe" 1998
"the past is always present"
"Audience 6 (Galleria Dell'Accademia), Florenz" 2004
"The Restorers at San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples" 1989
"Untitled" - Victorian Boogie Woogie 1972
5042 envelopes, 35,280 stampsWhat is the difference between globalism and globalization?
What are pros and cons of globalism, who are its benefactors?
How how does this shape the identity of the western art world?
How does globalism affect the inclusion of women artists?
Is globalism a freeing up of art venues or an invitation to more competition between the others and established art institutions?
How does globalism affect your point of entry into the art world?
Is globalism a new means for pushing western ideals?
What traits make up a global artist?
Carl Pope "Silent Wishes, Unconscious Prayers and Dreams...Fullfilled" 1996
Carl Pope interviewed family and friends of several Hartford young people who had died early, often a result of violence. These Portland brownstone slabs are etched with the words of the deceased as remembered by those close to them. Pope's feelings that the young people in some way anticipated their early deaths is reflected in the quotes on the stones. The project was installed in 1996 and is still up at 128 Albany Avenue in the Clay Hill neighborhood.Carl Pope interviewed family and friends of several Hartford young people who had died early, often a result of violence. These Portland brownstone slabs are etched with the words of the deceased as remembered by those close to them. Pope's feelings that the young people in some way anticipated their early deaths is reflected in the quotes on the stones. The project was installed in 1996 and is still up at 128 Albany Avenue in the Clay Hill neighborhood.
text from: http://www.realartways.org/archive/carlPope/silentWishes/Pope.htm